Learning all the ins and outs of the jargon associated with the field of data asset managementcan feel like learning another language. This non-exhaustive glossary is an important resource to guide you through the ever-changing field of data asset management.
geographical data According to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], geodata are spatially referenced data that describe the extent and properties of given areas and objects at a given time; in particular, the position, nature, use and legal status of these elements. A geodata is a dataset that systematically contains a geographical dimension.
Geodata modelAccording to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], a geodata model is a representation of reality that determines the structure and content of geodata independently of any computer system.
Geodata serviceAccording to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], a geodata service is a networkable application that simplifies the use of geodata through computerised services that provide access to it in a structured form.
geographical information According to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], geoinformation is spatially referenced information acquired by linking geodata. Geoinformation is distinguished from information by the fact that it contains one or more geographical dimensions.
According to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], a georepresentation model is a definition of graphical representations for the visualization of geodata, for example in the form of maps or plans.
Geospatial metadataAccording to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], geospatial metadata are formal descriptions of the characteristics of geodata, such as their origin, content, structure, validity, currency or accuracy, the rights of use attached to them, the possibilities of accessing them or the methods for processing them. A geospatial metadata differs from a metadata in that it describes a geodata.
Geospatial reference dataAccording to the Swiss Geoinformation Act [RS 510.62], geospatial reference are official geodata that serve as the geometric basis for other geodata. Geospatial reference data are reference data whose spatial reference is used to characterise other datasets.