
Learning all the ins and outs of the jargon associated with the field of data asset management can feel like learning another language. This non-exhaustive glossary is an important resource to guide you through the ever-changing field of data asset management.

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Asset An asset is a resource held by an organisation that has potential or actual value to the organisation.
Asset management Asset management covers all the activities necessary for an organisation to add value to its assets, balancing costs, risks, opportunities and performance. Asset management covers all types of assets and all activities involved in the full life cycle of assets.
Asset portfolio An asset portfolio is a collection of assets of the same type, and asset systems, specific to one or more business areas of an organization.
Asset system An asset system is a system composed of assets that interact with each other according to a predefined linking mechanism. An asset may belong to several asset systems. An asset system can be considered an asset.
Asset type An asset type is a grouping of assets with common characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class.